Advanced speed tricks and training

Welcome to the advanced section of the course! First thing you’ll notice is that I have brought out the QFO for this section. I thought I would bring a bit of DJ history to the party!

One of the first things you are going to want to do as an advanced scratcher is to get all the techniques you have up to certain speed. So far, we have gone through 3 approaches to increasing speed (the speed trainer, the zoom in exercise and agility training) but there are other tricks and exercises you can pull upon if you need to.

  1. Smaller crossfader movements enables you to speed up by having to move less to do each technique
  2. ‘No music speed up trick’ (catchy name, I know, but it does what it says on the tin!) allows you to focus on speed without the distraction of trying to keep in time
  3. ‘Even faster trick’ (again, catchy but descriptive!) makes you feel like the track is slower than it actually is, enabling you to be more relaxed at higher speeds


Intro (00:07)

Hack 1: Smaller crossfader movements (00:30)

Hack 2: ‘No music speed up trick’ (01:44)

Hack 3:’Even faster trick’ (03:08)

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